Distributed Systems (0612336)


Location : IT 101

Time :       [ 10:00am-11:00am ] Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday

Text Bookdistributed systems principles and paradigms, by Andrew S. Tanenbaum (Author), Maarten van Steen (Author)[2nd edition]

Recommended Readings :


Course Description:

This course focuses on the theory and application of distributed systems. It provides an advanced study and understanding of distributed systems, including interprocess communication, operating systems, middleware, concurrency, and applications. The course also examines the relationship of computer applications to distributed systems architecture and components. This course will focus on the theory and application of distributed systems. It provides an advanced study and understanding of distributed systems, including interprocess communication, operating systems, middleware, concurrency, and applications. The course also examines the relationship of computer applications to distributed systems architecture and components. Students will apply the principles of distributed systems to research, design, and develop solutions for problems in computer and information systems. Topics to be covered include, characterization of distributed systems, distributed systems design goals, networking and internetworking, client-server and multi-tier architectures, protocols, interprocess communication, reliable and unreliable communication, remote procedure calls and remote method interfaces, operating system architecture and components, process and thread synchronization, middleware, distributed objects, distributed operating systems, performance in distributed systems, file and name service, shared data and transactions, concurrency control, recovery and fault tolerance, and examples of distributed systems.


Book Slides and Material

 set #1 , Chapter 1

Chapter 2
 Chapter 3
Chapter 4  












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